Our Senior division includes young men transitioning into or just finishing up the first year of their high school experience. These older campers love our variety of activities and often take internal leadership roles within the division. Popular activities specifically for the seniors are division trips and evenings out, rustic retreat, scavenger hunts, and a variety of card and role-playing tournaments. Guy’s group is popular with our senior division as it gives them an opportunity to work with our social skills team throughout the week. Highlights of the Seniors experience are the camaraderie that comes from being respected and valued as part of a community. Our seniors take leadership roles in camp (specifically on the camper council).
Our senior division each year is a good mix of veteran and new campers who quickly connect into an amazing community of young men. Our seniors have the opportunity to attend a destination life and social skills program. The details for this immersive experience can be found on our Hawaii Adventure page.