“At the end of camp, my name was pulled out of the container and immediate applause rang out. I have never won a prize before and I had to keep my jaw from staying open too long. Despite being in my mid twenties, this summer was my first ever at a sleepaway camp and this was also my first time working with a majorly ADHD and neurodivergent population. This summer was definitely a once in a lifetime experience and an eye opening perspective on multiple counts. The children I met at camp were funny, intelligent, different, and a challenging all at once! They had a habit of teaching me patience and reminding me to live in the moment and not to take things too seriously. The staff helped me to find the joy in the little things and stay sane throughout the long, hot and busy days. I could not have asked for a better administrative team. Their work ethic encouraged me to work hard because I know everyone else was also giving it their best as well. Some days were hard and some days were less so, but having fun remained a high priority and that’s one of the things I appreciate the most. Thank you again, Camp Sequoia, for a wonderful summer and for the opportunity to travel abroad!”
-Sarah Vallon (Office & Program Assistant)
Winner of the Camp Sequoia Staff Cruise Drawing
“When I first accepted a position at Camp Sequoia I thought it would be an easy summer full of campfires, going on trips to and maybe even learning a thing or two about working with kids. Although I did do all of these things, camp changed me. I no longer cared about all of the trips and activities I just wanted the kids to have fun and learn something. I even changed my career path from aspiring to be a college track coach to being a school social worker. The best part of camp is seeing a group of young men enter into a new place not knowing a single soul who already struggle with making connections with peers and watching them make meaningful friendships and then leaving camp with a loose-leaf paper full of phone numbers and email addresses. Camp Sequoia is the best job I’ve ever had.”
– Maddie B., Seniors Division Head, MSW
“Working at Camp Sequoia has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. For the past three summers I have been able to work with our amazing kiddos, helping them expand their social skills, and manage long term friendships. I started as a general counselor and eventually stepped into the role of Deputy Division Head, and through it all, I’ve learned a lot and grown as a leader and person. Camp Sequoia grew to be more than a summer job, but a place where I get to make a difference in the lives of neurodivergent youth. Camp sequoia is a place where they can can thrive, be themselves, supported and form connections in a community of other other kids like them,
The skills I have learned as staff such as open communication, adaptability, and empathy are ones I have perfected and can use for a lifetime. Camp is a community I can return to every summer and know that I’ll be pushed in the direction of growth. I’m grateful for everything Camp Sequoia has taught me and all the memories that I gain each year. At the end of every summer, I can’t help but to be left anticipating the next. “
-Hannah W., Deputy Division Head of the Elites
“During my time at Camp Sequoia, I have been able to grow across my professional and personal identities. Not only have I gained an incredible amount of knowledge around best practice when working with neurodivergent children, but I’ve also learned just how much I truly enjoy working with these kids. Sequoia has aided me in this development not only through various training opportunities, but through guided practical work as well. I’ve been able to build upon various therapeutic and behavioral interventions, and these moments have strengthened my abilities both inside and outside of the camp environment. From a leadership standpoint, Camp Sequoia has supported me in building upon both my leadership abilities with our campers, as well as my abilities with our staff. I’ve been able to discover my own leadership styles and learn how to aid in the growth of others from this new perspective. My hope is to continue to strengthen my abilities across different leadership roles so that I may always provide the strongest support. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunities that Sequoia has provided me.”
-Braden K., Division Head (LMSW)
“As a staff member at Camp Sequoia, there are numerous opportunities to have fun and positively impact the lives of campers. Not only can you enjoy the weekly trips, indoor pool, super-day off, and a wide variety of daily activities- you are also able to witness the camper’s progression in recognizing social cues and increasing their skills in communicating with peers. It is an amazing feeling to facilitate and watch campers build lasting friendships, knowing that they will be able to translate the skills you helped foster into their lives at home and school!”
– Becky C., Head Lifeguard
“Working at Camp Sequoia is one of the most rewarding experiences that I’ve ever had. Being an Eagle Scout, I always appreciate the camping experience, especially Summer Camp. I can honestly say that Sequoia is unlike any Summer Camp that I have attended or staffed. There is a special sense of community and mutual respect that the Sequoia atmosphere is able to foster. As a minority from the South, I did not expect to feel right at home in Pennsburg, PA. Staff interactions across the board are so positive and enlightening. Every day working with these kids, you’ll end the day with a story that no one outside of our community would ever believe. The dining hall re-defined my expectations of “camp food”, amazing! As I was told by our Camp Director when I was first hired, “I can guarantee you of three things: you’ll experience things that you’ve never experienced before, you’ll work harder than you have ever worked before, and by the end of the summer you will feel like you have made more of a difference than you ever have before”. I highly encourage anyone who has a passion for working with children/making a difference in their lives, to apply.”
– Artrice (Esq.) Eagle Scout and Outdoor Skills Director
“Camp Sequoia is a unique and tight knit community that provides the opportunity for personal growth to both campers and staff. I never expected to learn as much as I have from working at camp. My experiences even inspired me to pursue a master of social work degree. The best part of Sequoia is working with campers to achieve their personal goals and develop lasting friendships with their peers. At the end of camp, it is amazing to see the positive impact you have made on the lives of these young men. I highly recommend Sequoia for anyone looking for a challenging yet extremely rewarding job working with incredible campers.”
– Kristen S. (MSW, Behavioral Specialist)
“My experience at Camp Sequoia was definitely not what I expected, and that’s why it has influenced my life in ways that I can’t even begin to explain. I have gained so much by working at camp and in turn have had the opportunity to change the lives of kids for the better. It was difficult, but you don’t have time to think about yourself. But rather you spend all your time concentrating on how you can help the kids. I have no regrets being here because my passion for helping kids grew stronger.”
– Imani H., Cooking Activity Specialist & LIT Deputy Division Head
“I would have to say Camp Sequoia has been a huge impact on my life. Working at camp really gave such great life experience. The campers always seem to surprise me and the staff really become like a family.”
– Kent K., STEM Director
“Working at Camp Sequoia is an experience like no other experience. It is hard to put into words how much it can change your life, even though, it is a short six weeks. The work you do with the campers is not always the easiest, but every day is worth it. Personally, I went to sleep each night, after the campers did, and looked forward to waking them back up in the morning. You knew that each day was a new day, and anything could happen on any given day, but your actions and attitude are what dictated how the day would go. Working at Camp Sequoia is truly something special, as you know that you every minute you are there you are making an impact in the campers’ lives, and honestly, they make an impact in your life. Working at Camp Sequoia has hands-down been the greatest most invaluable experience of my life.”
– Sammy L., Lifeguard
“The boys make the camp. Plain and simple. They are the driving force behind all that happens. Yes, we as staff are here for them. However, these boys do more for us than you may imagine. Their trials and struggles, their joys and accomplishments fuel each and every staff member. As staff, we rally towards one another. We are one another’s strength. We provide an ear, a hand, or a shoulder as needed. This camaraderie is strengthened every time we respond to help our team, or share a success of one of our campers. I relied upon my peers on a daily basis. Not once did they let me down.
Come along for the ride. You will work hard. You will get tired. You will have moments of frustration. You will question if you should be here. In the end, the experience is unique. It is my belief you cannot leave at the end of the summer and not be a better person, or not feel as if you made a difference.”
– Frank C., Inters Division Head (Teacher)
“My experience with Camp Sequoia was nothing I would’ve ever imagined. Never have I worked a job where I was so exhausted, yet so full energy at all times. The campers, though, were what made the counselor’s experience so memorable. Waking up everyday knowing it was your job to influence a young man’s life as positively as possible- never have I felt so rewarded by my work before. Noticing little changes in a camper’s behavior or their mentality, day by day, to were their entire attitude is a complete 180 from what it was at the beginning of camp, and knowing you are responsible for such a change: it’s enlightening. To be such a huge part of these campers lives as they grow into the young men of tomorrow, I am forever thankful for the opportunity to work at Camp Sequoia. Thank you, Brian.”
– John S., Athletics Director